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Lykle products


Lykle is the name of the products supplied by Aabrekk farm. You will find Lykle products in a selection of shops in Vestland You can also buy products directly from Aabrekk Gard. Lefse pancakes, fish pancakes, flatbread, oatcakes, Christmas cakes, brawn, fruit juice and bread.
All the products is of the finest quality.

You're welcome!



You can order baked goods directly from Aabrekk Gard: Lefse pancakes, fish pancakes, flatbread and potato cakes. Culinary history, ingredients and quality are concepts we convey through our baked goods.



Signe is the ’dairy maid’ at Aabrekk farm. She puts her heart and soul into keeping up traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation. Food traditions, ingredients, quality and local products are part of what Signe communicates through her authentic farm fare.

Here, everything is as it should be. 



Film from Aabrekk.




We are members of Hanen, a nationwide organisation based on rural tourism and farm-produced food based on local traditions and local ingredients.


We are part of the network ‘Nordfjord Taste’, which is a collaboration between local food manufacturers and Visit Nordfjord. With ‘Nordfjord Taste’ we want to create identity, attention and pride in local produce and food culture in Nordfjord.